How to enlarge penis without injury to the health of men? There are a lot of hormonal drugs and supplements, with whose help it is possible to speed up the body's production of male hormones. It is known that increased concentrations of testosterone means of lengthening and thickening the penis. However, the failure of the endocrine system often become the cause of very serious diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, dysfunction of the adrenal glands, overgrowth of the lower jaw, etc.

To damage your health, but at the same time to increase the size of penis, it is advisable to use only proven and safe methods of correction of the length and the thickness of the reproductive organ. Conditionally it can be divided into two categories:
- conservative – drug therapy, the use of simulators, manual therapy, therapeutic diet;
- surgical – patellar, transplantation of tissues, hyaluronic acid injections, and so on
Minimally invasive surgery practically lead to the development of side effects, so that their behavior even in an outpatient setting. However, experts warn that about a year after the introduction of the hyaluronic acid and the lipid tissue in the penis part of them resolved. In this regard, the length and thickness of the penis decreases, due to what must again seek the help of a plastic surgeon.
Simulators for penis enlargement
Men who resort only to natural penis enlargement methods are sure to achieve the required effect is possible only through long workouts. They usually combine manual therapy with the use of special apparatus that literally stretch the penile tissue.
Among the most safe and effective simulators include:
- attachment – orthopedic device designed for the mechanical stretching of the ligaments, muscles and the cavernous bodies in the penis;
- vacuum pump – a medical device job, which is the basis for creating a vacuum around the penis; the pressure drop has a strong blood flow to the tissues and, as a consequence, their further development;
- weights – goods intended for stretching the tissue of the penis; their use stimulates the formation of new textile structures of the solids in the body;
- the jelq-machine – manual instrument for the "milking" of the sexual organ, which is applied with a view to stretching the cavernous bodies and muscle tissue.
Important! Improper use of the device may lead to a temporary reduction of erection.
You need to realize that natural penis enlargement – the process of a long and sometimes quite uncomfortable. Thanks to the increased diameter and length of the phallus increases, but gradually. Enhance events experts do not recommend, because the effort of the muscles and ligaments can cause injury and tearing of the tissue.
Manual therapy
Custom massage – one of the safest ways of correction of the shape and size of the penis. To date, developed several effective methods, which can not only increase penis size but also hardness. Manual therapy helps to improve the trophic tissue, accelerate the metabolic processes and restoration of normal microcirculation of blood in the penis. Regular use of manual therapy reduces the risk of prostatitis and erectile dysfunction 3 times.
Enlarge the sex organ without injury to health, you can use the following massage techniques:
- exercises Kegel exercises aimed at training the pubic-coccygeal muscles (discover the PC-muscle, enough to try to interrupt the act of urination; at this point, you feel the tension of the right muscles that will be necessary to train regular reduction and relaxation);
- jelqing – technique of "milking" the penis, in which it is necessary for the movements of the thumb and forefinger (grip, OK), since the establishment of the sexual organ and ending with the head;
- clamping – extreme penis enlargement, the essence of which is squeezing the superficial veins at the root of the sexual organ; during the massage in the cavernous of your body blood will flow, but due to the blockage of the veins of the outflow of it will be stopped; regular exercise allows you to stretch the erectile tissue, which subsequently will lead to an increase in the length and diameter of the penis.
With proper implementation of the exercises the dimensions of penis enlargement will extend beyond the original parameters of the sexual organ to 20-25%. But before proceeding to self-massage, it is necessary to thoroughly warm up the tissue of the phallus of the god, and restore in them a normal blood circulation. To do this you can use warming compresses, pouch with hot salt, hot water, lubrication, etc.
Fat grafting
Lipofilling – the surgical enlargement of the diameter of the penis by introduction into the subcutaneous layer of adipose tissue. A minimally invasive procedure refers to the number of less traumatic, because her most often performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. As the filler used lipid fabric, taken from the back, buttocks, thighs and so on Before the procedure biomaterial purified from the impurities, after which evenly distribute over the entire length of the fuselage of the penis using a special needle.
The injection treatment is not recommended in the period of exacerbation sexually transmitted diseases and inflammations of the urethrovesical channel.
During the operating procedure used by the lipid fabric of the patient himself, which solved the problem of rejection of the implant. Lipocytes play a role to fill, with the help of which a plastic surgeon enlarges the diameter of the penis and corrects its shape, if necessary. The penis enlargement leave no more than an hour, after which the surgeon sewed up the place of puncture absorbable thread and stores the patch on instead of a weld. About 2-3 weeks after the lipofilling, the patient can return to normal sexual life.
Penis enlargement
Here you will find all the information about how to increase the penis. Reviewed penis enlargement methods at home helena in laboratory conditions, their pros and cons. I've tried all the major devices and to describe their impressions and predictions. In the articles the answers to 3 questions, of interest to everyone who is going to make a modification of your your body:
- really does penis enlargement
- what results can be achieved
- what methodology to choose.
And a little general information about penis enlargement: the principle of work of different methods, the approximate results, the scale of growth and its limits.
Penis enlargement without surgery
A folk remedy for the potency of men, fast acting
Treatment potency folk remedies: the most effective methods. Spices — a gold mine of Goodies for men's health ,ginger drinks-aphrodisiac ,far East plants to male power ,ginseng ,analogues ginseng — invigorating sexual desire .The recommended exercise to strengthen the flow of blood to the groin area. Potency — an indicator of health and a positive psychological state of men.
The average dimensions of the

Medical statistics show that an ordinary person has a writing instrument in lengths from 12 to 16 cm, it is a normal, not remarkable is a member here will be a body length of 14 cm and a diameter of 2.5-3 see using this penis is possible and good to satisfy a woman, and conceive a child. However, many men think their penis is still too small, and therefore they can be recommended to increase a member of the food and soda.
A big penis is good for a boost of confidence, but also more convenient with anal sex. If you still decide for yourself, that you enlarge your penis using soda to you it is essential, below you will find instructions on how to commit this process in detail.
We are increasing the member correctly
Penis enlargement and soda — thing is not new, it was invented is not specifically yesterday. Your father and your grandfather, it is likely that they knew about this secret, and baking soda has always been and is in every home in the kitchen drawer. Of course, it is usually used, is not at all for penis enlargement, but for the domestic work: cleaning dishes, baking, etc.
There are two common variants of using a soda, aimed at penis enlargement. You can try both, helena the way that you will enjoy.
- Take a warm bath, easing the penis, even lightly masturbate. Take one teaspoon of baking soda, mix it with a teaspoon of oil helena honey. Obtained mass is to be applied on the penis and massage his five minutes. Then stop primer and massage of the sexual organ, put the cream to just soak in and blow directly on the rise. Rinse thoroughly with water after the whole soda cream with a member, and get ready for it, that the penis starts to increase. Also, this method helps to prolong the time of sexual intercourse for 10-15 minutes.
- If you are not too appropriate scheme, according to which it is necessary to rub the penis soda cream, helena may, you have the conditions, it is always possible to do things differently. The second way is easier than the first, and it is also really increases the member. Take the soda water — a tablespoon to a glass of water. It is necessary to dissolve it completely in water. To the obtained liquid it is necessary to omit the male dignity to 10 minutes, but not more, and you will immediately see how soda affects the size of the penis. This method is easier and less time-consuming.
Regardless of the method you choose, do not forget about the fact that soda provides only a temporary effect. We recommend that you use baking soda for an hour helena two before intercourse, and then the penis is swollen and elongated, will delight you and your lady. With the help of a soda can achieve an increase in the average diameter of about 1 cm and the length of your office will increase to 1-2 see pay Special attention to the manipulation of the glans penis: in many ways, it is just care for her, how to change the size of the penis. You can try both ways, so how they are really tested for decades. Look, what way suits you more, and make sure that it's true. Now you know how it can be with the help of baking soda to enlarge penis.
Who can't use baking soda?
It is better to refrain from the use of this method in the following persons:
- Diabetics. Soda, even in small quantities, it is dangerous to have an impact on the level of sugar in the blood.
- Persons with prostate problems and prostatitis here, and so it seems to be all clear.
- Suffering from urethritis and cystitis. Soda — a powerful incentive that the benefit is not exactly possible.
- The person who has oral thrush helena allergic dermatitis. Thrush is pretty troublesome disease, and soda will only aggravate the situation.
There are numerous internet reviews, dedicated to this topic in general and specifically on the topic of who is better and soda to enjoy. Among them, attention is attracted by the view, located on the well-known medical web site and the name of the "Smear and we'll see." Also, there are numerous tips, in which he talks about who and how uses the soda on the penis, and also what exactly happens to the body.
Many reviews devoted to the cylinder, in which a man directly at the camera Butters on his penis, which is located in the excited state, the normal drinking soda, and his birth authority increases in the eyes. Most likely, he used video editing, because or from any soda such an effect of the growing can occur. Clen is really for some time will increase, if you anoint his soda, but not at the 5 cm and more.
Side effects
Be careful and do not overdo in this way in any case! Frequent intake of soda can lead to unpleasant consequences, and, most likely, will be very disappointing.
Despite the damages, many men abuse this way. This can lead to the following negative phenomena:

- appear ulcers and hairline cracks, which will be constantly scream;
- can develop allergic reactions;
- it is not excluded burning and itching;
- abuse can cause serious diseases, such as cancer of the penis.
Doctors recommend taking this way no more often than once in half a year, in exceptional cases — one in four months. Many men literally crazy to the question, how to enlarge penis, to soda compress much more often. Such abuse is their stable patients to the urologist, and, in consequence, are forced to spend money on expensive treatment.
Summarizing the above-mentioned
Everyone chooses himself, set his penis size, helena no, and zdf it is necessary to take all measures for to increase penis. Someone previously drank means for the erection and enlargement of the size, someone thinks to start taking medication now, and someone doesn't want to spend money for expensive medication and prefer the good old recipe — soda, which, however, can also harm. Now you know how to increase penis and what it is for it to be done. Good luck and success in the world of sex!
Draw conclusions
You encountered a flash in the pan? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article - the victory is on your side. And, of course, you are not by hearsay know, that a violation of potency is:
Low self-esteem. Women everyone their failure, tell your friends and your friends. Diseases of the prostate. The evolution of the economic crisis, which has negatively toll on your health. It is worth it to start doing something.